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arg() arg_() arg_list() arg_list_() set_arg() set_arg_()
Capture lazy variables as quotations.
Convert items into quotations or dots.
Find the caller of a given environment.
as.lazy_dots(<dots>) as.lazy(<quotation>) as.quo(<quosure>) as.quo(<formula>) as.quosure.quo() as.quosures.dots()
Compatibility conversions.
do() do_()
Making function calls, with full control of argument scope.
dots() dots_() exprs() `exprs<-`() envs() `envs<-`() `[`(<dots>) `[<-`(<dots>) c(<dots>) c(<quotation>)<dots>) forced_dots() forced_dots_()
Dots objects: lists of quotations.
dots2env() as.environment(<dots>)
Make or update an environment with bindings from a dots list.
Copy bindings from an environment into a dots object, or vice versa.
forced() force_() value() values()
Forcing and forcedness of arguments and quotations.
format(<dots>) format(<quotation>) format(<oneline>) print(<dots>) print(<quotation>)
Formatting methods for dots and quotations.
function_() arglist()
Explicitly create closures.
get_call() get_function()
Get information about currently executing calls.
get_dots() set_dots()
Set or get the contents of ....
locate() locate_() locate_.list() locate_.quotation() locate_.character() `locate_.(`() locate_.dots()
Find the environment which defines a name.
missing_value() missing_() list_missing()
R's missing value.
quo() quo_() env() `env<-`() expr() `expr<-`() is.quotation() is.quo() as.quo() forced_quo() forced_quo_()
Quotation objects.
set_() set_enclos_()
Assign values to variables.
arg_env() arg_env_() arg_expr() arg_expr_() arg_value() arg_value_() dots_envs() dots_exprs() is_forced() is_forced_() is_literal() is_literal_() is_missing() is_missing_() is_promise() is_promise_() is_default() is_default_()
Get information about currently bound arguments.
Unwrap variable references.