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iterors 1.0

Initial release.

  • Split off from “async” package.
  • Incorporated/ported “iterators” package.
  • Incorporated/ported “itertools” package.
  • Incorporated/ported “itertools2” package.

New functions:

  • i_enumerate.array can iterate over arbitrary margins, providing you with a vector index.
  • i_window constructs a sliding window of arbitrary length over a given iterator, generalizing itertools2::ipairwise and itripletwise.
  • New functions i_rle() and i_rle_inverse() for run-length encoding.
  • Introduced accumulation methods i_accum(), reduce(), and sum() and prod().
  • i_chain(...) has a companion function i_concat(it) which accepts an iterable (rather than ...).
  • New iteror methods for as.numeric, as.vector, as.character, and as.logical.
  • concat() pastes chunks from an iterator into a vector.

New features:

  • Memory-backed and counting iterors icount, icountn, idiv, igrid, iseq, i_enumerate.default, iteror.default,, iteror.default and i_enumerate.array all have shared logic; all accept options chunks, chunksize and recycle with equivalent behavior.
  • icount and icountn preserve dimnames.
  • Multidimensional iterators icountn, igrid, i_enumerate.array and iteror.array have option rowMajor to control the order of iteration.
  • i_unique uses a hash table rather than linear scan, for much improved performance; it also now works with any type of R object.
  • Random number iterators like irunif, isample and friends accept options independent, and seed if given, the iterator will maintain a private seed value, so that interleaving with other iterators does not affect reproducibility. You can use a specific random number generator algorithm by also giving kind, normal.kind, and sample.kind.
  • i_tee works for any iterator, using a queue, where previously itertools::i_tee only worked for memory-backed iterators.
  • Python compatibility: py_iteror wraps an iterator so that it can be used by Python code via package reticulate. Meanwhile iteror has a method for Python objects, allowing Python iterators to be used transparently with iteror code.